Procedure for Regularization or Change of Name in LPG Gas Connections

The process for regularization or change of name in the official KYC records is the same for all three big oil companies and their distributors operating in India. Bharat Petroleum, Indian Oil Corporation, and Hindustan Petroleum follow an identical process that requires the filling of Annexure ‘E’ through the form for transfer of LPG connection.

What is LPG Connection Regularization?

Before the directive was passed that required all users of the LPG subsidy to either surrender their excess cylinders or register themselves, LPG was being distributed based on a non-centralized registry of consumers. Now, with the new rules and laws in place, it has become necessary to keep KYC and the DGCC booklet up to date with the personal details and address of the consumer.
There are, however, some LPG consumers who have not gotten around to submitting their required KYC documents or updating the LPG distributorship with the required information. To make the process simpler and easier for non-registered consumers of LPG, oil companies and distributorships have developed a system through which all LPG consumers can be easily registered.
Holding an LPG connection without the required documentation and SV is illegal.

Why is It Necessary to Change the Consumer’s Name in the Official Records?

In order to avoid duplication of registrations and ensure that no one is taking undue advantage of the LPG subsidy, the government has mandated that all LPG consumers must be registered with their correct names and addresses.
If, at any time, a registered customer wants to change his name in the official KYC records, he or she can do so by filling out the requisite form and submitting an officially recognized proof of identity.
Customers could have name changes for various reasons like marriage, etc. and official records of the change in name along with a public notification and new proof of identity is required to be submitted in order to update the existing KYC documents.

How to Fill the Form for Transfer or Regularization of LPG Connection

The government has made it possible to transfer the LPG connection and registration, and to do this a process must be followed which starts with filling out a form. The layout of the form is given below along with instructions on how to fill it up correctly (in italics):


To, Name & Address of the Distributorship: <Here, fill out the name and address of your current LPG distributor> From: Name of the Transferor: Address of the Transferor: Subscription Voucher (SV) Number: dated: Consumer Number: Name of the Transferee: Address of the Transferee: Relationship with Transferor: Type of Transfer / Regularization (tick the appropriate box):
  • Type A: Transfer of subscriber to a family member.
  • Type B: Transfer outside family.
  • Type C: Transfer without consent letter from Transferor.
  • Type D: Transfer to next of kin in case of death of Subscriber.
  • Type E: Regularization of connection (LPG equipment held without possessing SV).
Declaration of Transferor (Strike off If not applicable) I Mr./Mrs./Ms ___________________, am no more in need of the abovementioned LPG connection and request you to transfer the same to the transferee. I hereby authorize you to handover the security deposit amount held in my name to Mr./Mrs./Ms. ____________. I hereby confirm that I will not have any claim at a later date on you in respect of the said LPG connection or the equipment/security deposit towards the same. Name: Signature: Date: Place: Declaration By the Transferee/Regularized Customer I Mr./Mrs./Ms. ______________ an Indian citizen above the age of 18 years of age hereby confirm that I will submit documents required for the LPG connection, deposit security amount for the loan of the LPG equipment as per your terms and conditions. I hereby request you to transfer the above mentioned LPG connection in my name or issue the Subscription Voucher (SV) in my name for the equipment presently held by me without SV (strike out whichever is not applicable). I hereby undertake the indemnify M/s Indian Oil Corporation, Bharat Petroleum Corporation, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation against any claims whatsoever arising in respect of the LPG connection transferred/regularized in my name and the equipment/security deposit thereunder. I also affirm as under:
  • That I am not in possession of LPG connection of IOC/BPC/HPC for my domestic use, either in my name or in the name of any of my family members residing with me in the same dwelling unit.
  • That my household is independent of other households or kitchens if any within the same address.
  • That if any information/declaration given by me in this undertaking or any document submitted by me for availing this LPG connection whether in support of KYC/identity/date of birth/residence proof/Death certificate, etc. shall be found untrue or incorrect or false, IOC/BPC/HPC would be within its rights to withdraw the supply of Gas/terminate the LPG connection/seize the equipment/forfeit the security deposit and that I would have no claim, whatsoever, against the IOC/BPC/HPC for such withdrawal/termination/seizure/forfeiture.
I hereby verify and confirm that what has been stated above is true to the best of my knowledge and nothing material has been concealed therefrom. Name: Signature: Date: Place: Declaration By Distributor I confirm having physically verified the above premises on ______ and found it to be an independent household with separate kitchen at the address _________. Name of visiting Distributor’s Representative ______. Signature ____. Distributor’s Seal and Signature ______.

Other Ways to Register/Transfer An LPG Connection to Your Name

LPG connections can be transferred for any of 5 acceptable reasons as mentioned under:
The government has allowed LPG customers to transfer their LPG connections in the following cases:
  1. Transfer of Connection to a Family Member: LPG connections being transferred under this category can only be transferred to the original consumer’s father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. An ID proof and address proof document is required to be submitted to the LPG distributorship at the time of transfer. The declaration form has to be filled out and duly signed by both the Transferor and the Transferee.
  2. Transfer of Connection Outside the Family: A valid LPG can be transferred by a citizen to a person outside his or her family. An ID proof and address proof document must also be submitted at the time of transferring the connection for the distributor’s records and to maintain legality in the transaction. Both the Transferor and Transferee have to sign the declaration form.
  3. Transfer of Connection without Consent From the Transferor: An LPG connection can be transferred onto another person’s name without presenting the signature of the original owner. The Transferee need only fill out and duly sign the declaration form and submit the required ID and address proof.
  4. Transfer of Connection Due to the Death of the Connection Holder: In the unfortunate event that a registered LPG connection holder dies, his/her next of kin/legal heir can take the connection for themselves. In order to transfer the connection on these grounds, a death certificate and KYC documents must be submitted to the distributor.
  5. Regularization of LPG Connection: This is the process to follow if the LPG connection had been held without a Subscription Voucher. In this case, a process needs to be followed which will regularize the LPG connection. A set of KYC documents needs to be filled out and submitted along with ID proof and address proof and a duly filled out declaration form.

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