Top Ways To De-stress & Be Productive While Being Stuck In Traffic

Traffic is the bane of every city dweller’s existence. Ever since the 70’s, there has been a constant rise the number of vehicles over the years. With time, cars have become more of a necessity than a luxury as manufacturers roll out new models almost each quarter. With facilities like car loan and EMI payments, it has become easier than ever before for a person to purchase a car. However, this rapid spike in the population of vehicles has given rise to the evil problem of traffic congestion.
Anyone who has to commute to work will be familiar with the frustration and irritation which comes with having to wait in traffic. With no regard for driving rules, traffic jams have become the order of the day as commuters keep aside an hour or more for traffic related delays while on their way to work. Sometimes, it may clear in a few minutes, but mostly, routine traffic jams usually have you standing for about 15 minutes on an average at a signal. So, on a daily basis, an individual could be wasting up to an hour, just stuck in traffic, while on their way to work or while travelling anywhere within the city.
However, do you know, there are plenty of things which you could do instead of just waiting for that darned traffic to clear. It doesn’t matter that you are seated in your car, with horns honking all around, you can still make good use of your time by doing something which can benefit you greatly. Read on to find out how you can not only de-stress but also be productive while being stuck in traffic.
  1. Make a To-do List –

    What better time than this to quickly prepare a to-do list for tasks which need to be done. Be it making a grocery list, or jotting down a list of minor repair work which needs to be done around the house, you can do it while sitting in your car, be it on a writing pad or even on your cellphone.
  2. Listen To An Audiobook –

    This is a great option for all those avid readers who love to take up a book in whatever spare time they can get. While it might not be the best idea to open a hardback while you may be waiting in traffic, an audiobook is the perfect alternative. All you need is your smartphone, earphones and a reliable data connection. The Google Playstore has plenty of top rated audiobook apps which let you choose from thousands of titles. So take your pick and start enjoying.
  3. Re-arrange Your Wallet –

    You might have been putting it off for a long time, but you can't ignore it any longer that you wallet needs de-cluttering. What better time than now, while you have it. Pick out all those old petrol receipts, bills, tickets, etc. that’s of no use any more and slim down your wallet.
  4. Learn a New Language –

    The invention of smartphones has indeed opened a whole new world for us. One of the most fun ways to use your idle time is to learn a new language. Pick any language which fascinates or interests you and start with its basics. The Google Playstore has some award winning apps like Duolingo, Memrise, etc. where you can learn take up languages like Spanish, French, Italian, Russian and many others.
  5. De-Clutter The Glove Box –

    One of the most cluttered yet ignored storage spaces in your car is the glove box compartment. Petrol receipts, restaurant drive through bills and ton of other random receipts can accumulate over time in your glove box. Take this time to go over them and toss out the ones which are of no further use.
  6. Get in Touch With a Friend or Family Member –

    Is there a friend or family member you have been meaning to talk to or get in touch with for some time. Then, this would be a perfect time to do so. While you are waiting for the traffic to move, you can utilize the time to call a friend or family member and have a hearty chat without having to hurry. Also, since the average waiting time at any signal can be a good 15-20 mins, you needn’t rush through with the conversation either. However, do make sure that the law permits you to talk on the phone while waiting in traffic or it could cost you dearly.
  7. Plan Out For A Task At Work –

    Driving to work in the morning can be stressful, with the constant honking and yelling all around. However, you can use this time to plan out for a task which requires completion at work. Just roll up your car windows which can help cut out the noise to a great extent and then you can plan out how you would like to approach that impending task at work. This can help you save a lot of time and undue pressure once you start your work day.
  8. Sing Along With The Radio –

    Singing is one of the best ways to de-stress. The mere act of singing out loud to your favorite song can help lift your spirits and improve your mood considerably. So, turn up that radio and tune into your favorite station and let yourself go!
  9. Check Your Work Email –

    For many office goers, their work schedule demands them to start their day early. However, commuting to work alone can eat up a lot of precious time which could otherwise be spent at work tackling tasks. However, there is a simple alternative to doing that. While you are waiting in traffic, you can quickly go through your work emails and respond to those which require urgent attention. This way, you can easily get ahead of your schedule and start your work day on an easier and a slightly relaxed note.
  10. Organize your Weekly Calendar –

    Sitting idle in the morning? Utilize the time to re-align and organize your weekly calendar. Any meetings, doctor’s appointments, PTA meetings, personal errands to run, jot it all down in your weekly calendar so you don’t miss an important one.
So, as you can see from the suggestions listed above, there is no shortage of activities which you can rather do while killing time stuck in traffic. Whether it is in the mornings or evenings, these tasks can help occupy your mind and help you make the most of it. Pick and choose from the list above and never have another dull moment waiting in the car. However, do remember, safety comes first.

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